K2P Integrated Services Pvt. Ltd.

AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor


Dream Home

Each one of us aspires to have their own Sweet Home (preferably debt free). It is one of the most common aspirations for every Indian Family.

The biggest question is when one should own it?

Should it be immediately once you reach the 6 digits pay cheque or at the time of getting married or once you have kids etc…

There would be such an occasion in life when one thinks to buy a property or upgrade the existing one.

The question arises is when one should buy it; at which phase of life? or should stay on rent? and if on rent then how long?

We would be able to help you out with answering all the above and also guide you with the following questions.

  1. Should I buy or stay on rent?
  2. What should be the property value, which I can afford?
  3. How much loan amount should I opt for?
  4. What should be the loan tenure?
  5. How much EMI can I afford considering that there are other important goals which also needs to be achieved?

These are some of the common questions which we would be able to help you out. If you have any other questions apart from the above, please contact us, we would love to help you in getting your Dream Home.